Monday, March 23, 2009

song exploication

The Hush Sound- "We Intertwined" In a field outside of town we could always be alone Carry a blanket maybe a basket - and that's it Innocence was the key I was locked up never free Until you turned me Like vines we intertwined (like vines we intertwined) Carelessly growing up and growing old Life was on our tongues (on our tongues) And it tasted heavenly so good I wake up and I feel alone I was just asleep Right where I belong Inside this sad, sad song I knew this was a dream it was too good to be true Coincidences were a bit much too Who wants to wake up? Who wants to lose it? Who wants to live in this place? I don't, so I'll be sleeping in Like vines we intertwined (like vines we intertwined) Carelessly growing up and growing old Life was on our tongues (on our tongues) It tasted heavenly so good I wake up and I feel alone I was just asleep Right where I belong Inside this sad, sad song Blankets here keep me from cold Holding tightly my pillows Frantically searching for her Inside my head she's somewhere She is somewhere I wake up and I feel alone I was just asleep Right where I belong Inside this sad, sad song I wake up and I feel alone I was just asleep Right where I belong Inside this sad, sad, sad song In The Hush Sounds “We Intertwined”, the title reveals that the song is going to be about two things or people who are ultimately woven together. It could be two converging souls intertwining, then continuing on their separate paths, or staying together. The first lines convey an image of two people, assumingly lovers, who are on a date in a park who have brought a picnic with them and here in this special place they can be alone. The singer reveals that before this girl he was “innocent” to what love truly was. Before he was open to it, it was as if he “was locked up, never free”, until the girl set him free. The chorus then goes on to say how “like vines we intertwined”; it is in the past tense, allowing the reader to know that what the speaker is describing has ceased to happen. They wove together like vines in a tight grip, “growing up and growing old”. The relationship between the speaker and his love is strong and true. They grew together and raised each other up. “Life was on our tongues, it tasted heavenly so good”. The two had a great relationship, enjoying life and savoring it; however, this foreshadows how the girl will soon be tasting heaven. In the next part of the chorus the speaker reveals that he was simply dreaming: I wake up and I feel alone I was just asleep Right where I belong Inside this sad, sad song The speakers’ girlfriend at one point had passed away and now the only time he can revisit her is in his dreams. This is the only place where he is happy and when he wakes up he feels like he is alone, and in his dreams with his love is where he belongs. Blankets here keep me from cold Holding tightly my pillows Lying in his bed he is kept warm holding tightly to his pillows trying to numb his pain and move on. This connotes that the speaker covers himself in layers trying to not face the reality, holding tight onto his “pillows” or things that allow him to dream of his love, or anything that reminds him of her. He is “frantically searching for her”, and trying not to lose her in memory and hold onto everything he has of her. He finds her only in his mind though, not in reality anymore. Another way to interpret this is that he has surmised the perfect girl and only sees her in his dreams, and is saddened every time he wakes because he believes he will never find her. She is a conjured image of what the speaker believes to be his ideal. The song sounds bubbly and bounces around which is ironic to the true meaning of the song. The writer probably hides his emotions behind a bubbly bouncy attitude when in reality he is trapped “inside this sad, sad song”. When the title is analyzed again, “We intertwined” has a deeper meaning. It is associated with a relationship that can only be visited in the speakers’ dreams. This is where he is now happy, and can’t seem to take his happiness out of his subconscious and into reality, in order to move past this woman he is doting over, and ultimately dragging through life, only to be with her, to wait for his next dream.

My message is The Sun will rise tomorrow, so stop freaking out. I combined pictures of relaxing places along with pictures of people who were happy, or funny images, that tended to be bright or have calming colors. This will entrance the viewer, making them more relaxed and happy and hopefully they get a good chuckle out of one or more of the images in the video.The music in the background is "Here comes the Sun" by the Beatles, and it too is sending a message across to the audience that everyhting will be okay, for the sun is a symbol of light and hope, and it is rising. People worry about the little things in life too often, or stress and/or worry about their own problems all the time. Life's too short to dwell constantly on the negative, people need to let things go sometimes and be happy with what they have. My message puts peoples worries and troubles into another prospective, making them seem minimal because ultimately, you're still living and the sun will rise again tomorrow, and you get to see it, so stop freaking out!